Wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth cause problems for many people. Impaction and abnormal eruption can lead to problems with the wisdom teeth themselves, the teeth nearby or even the whole mouth and face. They commonly contribute to infection, difficulties with cleaning, bad breath and crowding of teeth.
We specialize in the safest removal possible of your wisdom teeth and offer our patients the option of local or general anaesthetic procedures.
Removal of teeth
Tooth removal may be required for a wide variety of reasons, from making space for orthodontic treatment, to removal of troublesome and diseased teeth. We have the expertise and equipment to care for all types of tooth removal. We understand that many people prefer to be asleep for their procedure. With this in mind, we can offer the option of local anaesthetic (‘in the chair’) or general anaesthetic (‘asleep’) procedures.
Mr Gunn and his team are experienced in managing a variety of medical conditions, medications, difficult, or previously failed extractions. We can also offer urgent appointments for those who need them. Our goal is to provide you with a safe and caring experience.
Exposure of teeth
Tooth eruption does not always go smoothly. For many teenagers and children their teeth fail to erupt in the right place at the right time. There can be many causes for eruption problems but it may because the tooth has not developed properly, or there is not enough space for the tooth to erupt into.
In these situations we work with your orthodontist or dentist and expose the tooth and attach a button or ‘bracket’ to it. In this way the tooth can be slowly helped to move into the correct place in your mouth.
Dental Implants
Many people prefer to replace their missing teeth by getting a dental implant. An implant is placed into the bone beneath the gum and used to support a new tooth. There is also the option of placing a number of implants for those who are missing many teeth, including if you no longer have any of your own teeth. We work with your dentist or specialist to provide you with a solution that suits your individual situation and preference.
Grafting procedures
The bone and soft tissues of the jaws often change in shape and size due to the natural aging process, infections or the absence of teeth. This can mean that some form of grafting may be needed to allow successful placement of a dental implant. Grafting involves placement of additional biological material to improve the volume and shape of an area in preparation for implant placement. Your grafting procedure may be done at the same time as your implant is placed. However sometimes it is required as a separate procedure with the placement of an implant at a later time.
The materials used for grafting depend on your individual situation but often include a combination of your own bone and bone substitute materials.
We have broad experience in performing grafting procedures, either in association with dental implants or as part of other reconstructive procedures. We offer the full range of procedures under either local or general anaesthetic.
Corrective Jaw Surgery
(Orthognathic Surgery)
In some people the upper and lower jaws do not grow in proportion to their face, or in proportion to each other. Unbalanced growth means that the upper or lower jaws can be too large, too small, asymmetrical or abnormally shaped. This can result in problems with the bite, (malocclusion), functional problems with chewing and tooth-wear, and in an unbalanced facial appearance. Many of these conditions can be corrected by surgery on the jaws.
If you are not satisfied with the position, size or shape of your chin, these concerns may be addressed by a genioplasty. A genioplasty is a surgical procedure that addresses the shape and position of the chin, it can be performed as a stand-alone procedure, or in combination with other surgery. Mr Gunn can discuss your individual situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment. Please contact us for more information.
Repair of facial trauma
Injuries to the facial bones commonly occur on the sporting field, in motor-vehicle accidents and in many other situations. Mr Gunn has experience and training in major trauma centres both locally and internationally. We offer repair and reconstruction of all injuries to the facial bones; including the eye socket (orbit), frontal bone (forehead), nose, cheekbones (zygoma) and jaws (maxilla and mandible). We can offer urgent appointments to assess your injury and for those that require surgery, we will organize timely repair and follow-up to get you back on track as soon as possible.
Whilst most facial injuries are adequately treated when they first occur, some require further stages of treatment. Our team would be happy to discuss your individual situation. Please contact us for further information.
Facial re-contouring
People can sometimes feel that they have a particular facial feature that is uneven, too large or too small. Increasingly various aspects of the face cause some people concern, these include the chin, cheek bones and mandibular angle regions. Some of these problems are caused by an abnormality of the position, size or shape of the underlying facial bones. As a Maxillofacial surgeon, Mr Gunn has a deep understanding of the structural role of the facial bones and their effect on our external appearance and function. In some cases re-shaping, augmenting (adding graft material or implants) or reducing parts of these bones may be able to improve both your function and appearance. We can advise you on whether a surgical procedure may be able to help address your concerns. Please contact us for further information.